Post links/research about counterfeits here

I collect primarily vintage Chanel purses. I was given a partial list of over used fake chanel hologram numbers and would appreciate an updated list. Does anyone out there have a comprehensive list. I often report fakes on ebay to their attorneys since ebay has washed its hands of this. Please respond.
Many thanks. I want to keep the world save from fakes and the profits going to illegal organizations.
I'll try to do my part to contribute as time goes on. I have been researching counterfeiting - everything from auto brakes made with wood (sawdust) painted to look real and sold to school bus companies, to circuit breakers involved in house fires to handbags and phony cosmetics (causing allergic reactions).

Here is one regarding purses seized at O'Hare in Chicago...
"The shipment contained more than 2,000 items, including wallets, handbags, purses and tote bags bearing protected trademarks. The merchandise had a suggested retail price of more than $1.3 million and a domestic value of more than $300,000. Included in the shipment were counterfeit Prada and Coach handbags, Gucci and Louis Vuitton wallets, Chanel belts and Tiffany & Co. jewelry."

I have also come across a company that may have a solution for the brand owners - a twist on something the US Dept. of Defense has done to prove authenticity of components they buy. A couple of the major bag manufacturers are talking to them - with the intent of allowing customers to do instant verification of authenticity. I'll pass it along as I get more info.

Thanks for the article reference. From the author's bio we learn...
"NG Miku is a freelance writer specializing in travel, health & fashion. His wife wants him to add that she is obsessed with Louis Vuitton handbags."

It is rumored, however, that MG Miku isn't a good writer and therefore doesn't have the resources to get his wife an authentic Vuitton so he tries to get her to believe knock-offs are equivalent. Good luck with that! :graucho:

If the counterfeit manufacturers made quality products, from equivalent quality materials, why not establish their own brand instead of trying to replicate original creative designs executed by the major brands? It is the replication of the original work of others - something you would expect a author to be sensitive about - (design plagiarism, if you will) that the replicator/counterfeiter uses improperly. If you don't believe that designer's "style" is worth what they ask - DON'T BUY IT! There is no one forcing you to do so. Stealing bread might be justified to stave off starvation, stealing design or the cache built up over many years of great performance and style can't be justified - its just stealing. Maybe his wife can explain it to him!

-BB :noggin:
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I am not sure if it counts as links, but National Geographic Channel has made a documentary called "Global Underground" and it's about the counterfeiting industry and the illegal industries it spawns from.
Please read what this thread is about. . . it's not to post pics of people who don't know you're taking their photo and making fun of them. It's to educate. . . and it's CHANEL, not Channel ;)
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I was just watching some videos on youtube about counterfeiting and there was an ad at the top of the page from google advertising that was for a website that sells all counterfeit goods! Shoes, purses, sunglasses, and clothing.

Google and Youtube are accepting money from counterfeiters to advertise their websites! :shocked:

Here are some interesting videos about counterfeits.

Today Show Avoiding Counterfeit Luxury Goods Online

18 People Busted for Selling Counterfeit Items

How Louis Vutton Handbags are bootlegged

Inside the World of Counterfeiting and How it Can Kill
Hi All,

I am brand new to the world of designer anything. :biggrin: I googled a few designer bags and found a few websites. I bought two bags online and as soon as I paid for it I felt sick. I just knew that I was ripped off and I bought a fake. I havent even received the bags yet but I trust my gut feeling. Too bad I paid for the bag before it kicked in. GRRRRRRR! I have since emailed them and told them that I want a refund and am waiting to hear back.

Is there a thread that talks about online stores and what to look for? I have already checked out the Authenticity threads. Is it ok for me to post the link to the website that I purchased the bags from?

Your input would be greatly appreciated.
I was just watching some videos on youtube about counterfeiting and there was an ad at the top of the page from google advertising that was for a website that sells all counterfeit goods! Shoes, purses, sunglasses, and clothing.

Google and Youtube are accepting money from counterfeiters to advertise their websites! :shocked:

Here are some interesting videos about counterfeits.

Today Show Avoiding Counterfeit Luxury Goods Online

18 People Busted for Selling Counterfeit Items

How Louis Vutton Handbags are bootlegged

Inside the World of Counterfeiting and How it Can Kill

This really helped. Thanks!!!!