what do you think of sales associate chewing gum? - LV Boutique experience

Wow! that's VERY unprofessional!!! How can LV allow such a thing? Sometimes I'll understand if the SA talks to much (while helping customers of course), then his/her mouth might be dry, need water, or maybe a mint would help.... but gum is UNacceptable!

I am envisioning the annoying couple skit from SNL -- "Yeah babe.. ya wanna see that bag ova tha?"..

:roflmfao: omg...lol I love those skits, they're hilarious!
I chew gum all the time (I work retail) but I don't let it be known. And when I talk to a customer I put it under my tongue.
I always see customers smacking loudly and I swear I don't even want to help them, that's how big of a pet peeve it is for me.
Gross, tacky and unprofessional. Loudly chewing gum like a cow chews the cud (cow image borrowed from John 5) is so sloppy and hardly the image LV wants to send out to its customers. The SA obviously cares very little for her job. I'm glad you took your custom elsewhere.