This really happened......

Shopmom, I bet his BMW is parked around the corner!:nuts: LOL!!! There was a reporter who did a story on a homeless woman that was begging for money on the streets of Toronto. According to the reporter, at the end of the day she got into her CAR and drove to her nice CONDO.:shocked:
^^^Maybe this will be on next weeks episode of "CANDID CAMERA??" :graucho:

^^^Shopmom - Did he look familiar? :nuts: It would really be freaky if he called you by your name....;)

He did have good taste and you got a kick out of it, and you gave him some Change.:P
Aw he sounded like he was giving a genuine compliment!

But I'm naive and probably rather foolish about that sort of thing :wondering every time I see a an older homeless man with a cardboard sign in Charlotte I tear up :cry: Even though my parents and grandmothers have told me on numerous occasions that I shouldn't react in that way, as many of them could be faking it or have chosen the lifestyle.

Of course I have a college friend that will see a homeless man on the streets of Columbia, S.C. and will buy him a beer and sit on a curb with him and chat for a while. He hears a lot of interesting things.

For anyone in the Charlotte area, did you hear about the really sweet, friendly homeless man that painted beautiful pictures, and pushed around a shopping cart full of paint supplies? When people offered him $20 or so he'd tell them that he only needed a few dollars for his paints, and that the rest they should give to charity. He'd even give away his paintings to people he came in contact with that were kind to him. Some, excuse me, stupid drunk ho-bag that I would love to smack upside her head 100 times hit him one night and killed him :mad: :mad: :censor: They displayed his work in a gallery in Charlotte for a weekend shortly after. I missed the gallery showing of it though :sad: I hope that chick was shoved in jail! If I ever run across her, grrrrr...:censor: