Suicide is a Selfish Act [?]

I read a blogger once that talked about the people who committed suicide on 9/11. The ones who jumped from the building because of the heat of the fire. No one said that they were selfish or that they should've kept hope and stayed positive that they might've been saved. Everyone understood that the physical pain they were feeling was so intense that it made suicide the best option. And she said that's the same amount of physical pain, but inside of her, that she felt before she attempted suicide. She said imagine a heartache you've had and times that by 100. One that never goes away. That's there from morning until night. That's what drove her to want to do anything to end the pain.

I did not read the whole thread, but I personally do not consider people who jumped out of the World Trade Center on 9/11 as committing suicide, but the decision is with God.

Once I was in a hair salon the beautician was talking to a mother of a woman who killed herself. The deceased child was there in the salon and apparently she found her mother hanging from the wall. I hope that child would not grow up thinking she was the cause of her mother's selfish act.
I did not read the whole thread, but I personally do not consider people who jumped out of the World Trade Center on 9/11 as committing suicide, but the decision is with God.

Once I was in a hair salon the beautician was talking to a mother of a woman who killed herself. The deceased child was there in the salon and apparently she found her mother hanging from the wall. I hope that child would not grow up thinking she was the cause of her mother's selfish act.

calling suicide "selfish" is, from my point of view, not productive and shows no understanding of the reasons that might take an individual to take his or her own life
there are people that find themselves in a position where the only way out they can find is to obliterate themselves, if they could they would erase any trace of their lives so others can move on and not remember them
we don't tell people with heart disease to grow a pair and get over it so i cannot understand why a person suffering from depression is told exactly that, nobody has control over their medical or mental health
labelling suicide as "selfish" only adds to the stigma of mental health illness, the brother of a friend of mine killed himself in his twenties, for a long time he was a missing person until he was found, it turned out that he was suffering from schizophrenia and the voices were becoming too much and he wanted his family to forget about him and move on like he never existed...they haven't forgotten him
No one should judge or criticize, ever. You do not know what goes through the mind of an individual. I have wanted to kill myself several times and attempted to. I am bipolar and on medication right but I still have suicidal thoughts. No, I would not think about anyone but myself because it is about me and no one else. My 13 year old cousin is on the same medicine and she is doing such much better. I understand how she feels and would be crushed if she took her life. She takes after me. All you can do in this life is love, be compassionate and kind to everyone. What people do is between them and God.
No one should judge or criticize, ever. You do not know what goes through the mind of an individual. I have wanted to kill myself several times and attempted to. I am bipolar and on medication right but I still have suicidal thoughts. No, I would not think about anyone but myself because it is about me and no one else. My 13 year old cousin is on the same medicine and she is doing such much better. I understand how she feels and would be crushed if she took her life. She takes after me. All you can do in this life is love, be compassionate and kind to everyone. What people do is between them and God.

No one should judge or criticize, ever. You do not know what goes through the mind of an individual. I have wanted to kill myself several times and attempted to. I am bipolar and on medication right but I still have suicidal thoughts. No, I would not think about anyone but myself because it is about me and no one else. My 13 year old cousin is on the same medicine and she is doing such much better. I understand how she feels and would be crushed if she took her life. She takes after me. All you can do in this life is love, be compassionate and kind to everyone. What people do is between them and God.

good post and thank you for it
calling suicide "selfish" is, from my point of view, not productive and shows no understanding of the reasons that might take an individual to take his or her own life
I agree. When I was younger and didn't have much life-experience, I did feel it was a selfish act. But as you said, to call it 'selfish' is failing to grasp ANY understanding of what drives a person to do so. The suffering and pain is so great, that they simply CANNOT live with it any longer. I feel immense compassion, but also sorrow, for the person who suffers without reprieve, whether it be physical or mental, and who sees no light at the end of the tunnel for themselves. To live without hope has got to be the worst fate of all.
As someone who has suffered with this personally before, and knows the struggle, I most definitely do not consider it a selfish act. I tend to think that those who think it is a selfish act are just either misinformed/uneducated about the topic, or purely inconsiderate and not a good overall person (I know some people like this, believe it or not.) There is a misconception out there by some friends and family members in general (not of my own) in the world, that suicide is a selfish act because other friends and family members love the person that did the act, but that is like telling someone who is suicidal to only keep themselves alive for others or for the sake of friends and family members....Not very true. Nobody is selfish because they couldn't find the desire to live within them and because they didn't want to keep themselves alive purely for the sake of other people.
That is just my opinions though, based on being the person who made attempts themselves, and also having a best friend who did the act successfully and unfortunately died.
**As a side note, it is great to have found treatment that works and to be fully healthy but there are so many of these wrong misconceptions out there like that.