Real Housewives of NEW YORK {RHoNY}

Lu's face was priceless when Jules first brought up Bethenny calling the wife before they started dating. She even said under her breath "thanks Jules" for siding with her.
Funny how Lu kept looking at the others on her couch to help her out but no one openned their mouth
Lu's face was priceless when Jules first brought up Bethenny calling the wife before they started dating. She even said under her breath "thanks Jules" for siding with her.
Funny how Lu kept looking at the others on her couch to help her out but no one openned their mouth

I think Jules desperately wants to be asked back and it was her way of sucking up to Bethenny. Let's face it everyone knows its the Bethenny show, that's why no one came to Lu's defense..

I respect Lu for trying to take Bethenny on. Bethenny has been so hateful this season with everyone - the highlight reels reminded of her behaviour again.

As for Bethenny's obsession with LU's love life, even if Bethenny didn't start the affair while her new guy was married, I'm sure she isn't some virginal saint. And why can she go after everyone else's relationships - Dorinda and John; Jules (it looks like she says something about Jules knew she was getting divorced and that's why she came on the show); but its verboten to discuss this new relationship she has? Her phoning the daughter was the breaking point for me. The daughter clearly knew the call was coming. It didn't prove anything to me. And Bethenny looked positively manic. She accuses practically everyone one else being on drugs or an alcoholic - but she sure acts like she's on something.

I'm so over the Bethenny show. If this is the way its going to be, I will not be back.
Just one further comment with respect to Bethenny's new relationship - I think she does protest too much. Who calls up a wife after being seeing by friends out with her husband to say that there is no affair! If I was a wife and got the call, I'd be thinking the exact opposite! Seems to be an indication of a guilty conscience to me. And who calls up their boyfriendr's daughter on TV to verify her claims - that was really crossing boundaries even if she's a young adult and not minor - don't drag kids into marital messes like this. Why not call her boyfriend or have him on the show to say their romantic relationship started after he separated. The fact that she didn't call him speaks volumes to me.
I don't believe for one second that Bethenny wasn't seeing him when he was married. What the "daughter" was saying did seem to be pretty fabricated.. Otherwise, wouldn't a grown woman be surprised when her father's new girlfriend calls to ask this type of question?

Another thing that the daughter said was "you were just really good friends" or something to that extent. I highly doubt that Bethenny was just friends with this man for a while, there was nothing that happened, and then POOF! As soon as he is officially separated now she is dating him. Puhlease. She desperately didn't want to avoid coming across as the hypocrite she tries to bash each episode.
Bethenny making that call kind of makes her look guilty and stupid. It doesn't matter what she says about "waiting" to date him because she was obviously seeing him in some capacity before that. So that scripted phone call nonsense doesn't really prove anything. Bethenny was pissed off that Lu had the nerve to call her out and bring up what is already out there in the press that she was in fact dating a married man. Say what you will about Lu but she doesn't backdown when it comes to Bishenny. And if Bethenny made a deal with the show's producers to expose Luanne's cheating fiancé well then that just proves once and for all what a calculating, nasty and vile person she truly is.
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Bethenny will get hers at the appropriate time...does she have any REAL friends? Who would want to be a friend to that snake-she'd bite you the minute you weren't looking...and someday her daughter is going to realize what a piece of sh** her mother is.
Bethenny will get hers at the appropriate time...does she have any REAL friends? Who would want to be a friend to that snake-she'd bite you the minute you weren't looking...and someday her daughter is going to realize what a piece of sh** her mother is.
Yes, and all the vileness is documented on tape. No getting away from that. Bryn is going to be thinking her Mom was loaded, why did she want to do this crappy reality show?

Anyone know how Skinny Girl is doing? I don't see it in liquor stores in SE PA, but I have seen Lisa Vanderpump's sangria.
How sad that we all can't stand Beth, but she's Andy's little star, so we'll be stuck with her.

That phoning the daughter was just so scripted, it sure didn't make me believe Beth.
I liked that Luann tried to just talk throughout that whole staged phone call.

I was surprised that all the ladies didn't seem to want to talk about 'drugs'. They all except Sonja shut down that line of talk really quick - was it to protect Dorinda or maybe they all dabble a bit.