Prince Harry and Meghan Markle thread

FB find. I never knew this:

"This led Rose to be entangled in a controversy for her public mockery of the pair via an astute post on her social media. "I am standing back as a senior member of my tax return because I'd rather drink coffee, see my friends, love my family and do yoga," she sarcastically wrote."

Rose being Hugh van Cutsem's wife.


The huge betrayal is that Hugh went hunting with the guy who wrote that tasteless piece of wanting to parade Ghoul naked around town.

FB find. I never knew this:

"This led Rose to be entangled in a controversy for her public mockery of the pair via an astute post on her social media. "I am standing back as a senior member of my tax return because I'd rather drink coffee, see my friends, love my family and do yoga," she sarcastically wrote."

Rose being Hugh van Cutsem's wife.

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The huge betrayal is that Hugh went hunting with the guy who wrote that tasteless piece of wanting to parade Ghoul naked around town.

The problem H has is that all his old friends have seen how he’s thrown his own grandparents, father, brother, and sister in law under the bus repeatedly. In fact he’s not just thrown them under, he’s backed up the bus to run them over multiple times. Partly out of resentment and jealousy, but mainly to make $$$ since his connection to the BRF is apparently his only marketable asset. Nobody trusts him because if he’d do that to the family that spoiled and indulged him his entire life, he would not hesitate to throw any of his friends under the bus too if someone dangled enough $$$ in front of him.
FB find. I never knew this:

"This led Rose to be entangled in a controversy for her public mockery of the pair via an astute post on her social media. "I am standing back as a senior member of my tax return because I'd rather drink coffee, see my friends, love my family and do yoga," she sarcastically wrote."

Rose being Hugh van Cutsem's wife.

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The huge betrayal is that Hugh went hunting with the guy who wrote that tasteless piece of wanting to parade Ghoul naked around town.

I thought about it. If Lolo did a Lady Godiva through Monteshitshow, not that I think she could keep her balance on a actual horse, but if she did, I doubt that she would attract much interest since we have already viewed much more than 43% of her body and I wouldn't put it past her to have future wardrobe malfunctions to drum up interest.
A royal commentator related this Invisibet story that Lolo told at the school in Nigeria. Apart from mocking the possibility of a not yet 3-yo being capable of complex thoughts, she also pointed out how adroitly Lolo twisted the story from Invisibet allegedly seeing her own reflection in Lolo's eyes, to Invisibet seeing Lolo in herself and Lolo being reflected in everyone else. Lolo does NOT see anyone else in herself, but everyone is supposed to see Lolo in themselves.

Now, I don't believe Lolo is actually smart enough to twist this story, or cunning enough even, but I do think it is a Freudian slip, revealing that she always puts herself in the centre of the universe. Those who laugh at her and say she thinks of herself as God, well, maybe she does.

Whilst at the school, Meghan opened up about a remarkable conversation she had with Princess Lilibet and used it to connect with the young people.

She told them: “Our daughter, Lili, she’s much, much tinier than you guys. She’s about to turn three. And a few weeks ago she looked at me and she would just see the reflection in my eyes. And she [goes], ‘Mama, I see me in you.’

“Oh, now she was talking really literally. But I hung onto those words in a very different way. And I thought, yes, I do see me in you, and you see me in you.”

She then asserted: “As I look around this room, I see myself in all of you as well.”