Scarves Ode to Quintessence

PT-you are rocking for the holidays and winter with your Q, and this brings to mind a special request for our thread.

Q Queens- it has been a while and I wondered if we could have a special musical holiday theme to bring out our Q's? What say you all-ready to rock and roll this special scarf? Hoping to hear from you all and maybe ask you to post your wearing your Q anytime during the holiday season. If not, perhaps the start of the year? Let me know your thoughts!:queen:

:tup: happy too Lanit I think the scarf design is great for Christmas/holidays.

I will try to wear mine for Christmas Day (with family), if not then for Boxing Day (26th Dec with friends) or maybe both days :nuts:
Thank you, papertiger, for pointing me here and hello fellow Q Queens!! So happy to be initiated into this club after my black Quintessence found me.

She first caught my breath on one of my first forays into H. But at that time, she was available only in navy. We were destined to be together, however, and when I stepped in again a few days ago (to pick up a horn necklace), she was hiding there, amidst the new ss/2011 goodies. And now, she's MINE!!!!!!! (and a gorgeous twin to papertiger's Q as well).


I do plan to wear her in the next few days and will post some action shots then. Hurrah for Quintessence! I already know that it's going to be one of my favourite scarves which will get A LOT of wear.
Thank you, papertiger and Lanit and yaaay about being a Q twin with you, papertiger! Well, the fabulous Q was out and about today as our team at work got together at a restaurant for an early Christmas celebration. We were also cheering the news of the arrival of a long-awaited baby for one of our colleagues.

Sorry I didn't get more pics -- she's truly fabulous in person. I tied her in a friendship knot and then later, on the way home in a cab, played around with tying her as a necklace. Here are the pics (which have also been posted in the scarf of the day thread):


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^ looking gorgeous in your black Q SCinSG

It's been a Q Christmas for me too

With one of my ExL en Cam


and doubled with my white cw for Christmas day (don't worry all -took it off before I drank or ate)

Me too!

On you lanit, it looks divine and serene :love:

As a dark/light design full of mystery and magic, I think I prefer it to my C'est La Fetes :ninja:

Love this pattern, lanit, and you wear it beautifully! :love:

Aww PT, so glad you popped by. I was so tempted by the mousseline issued in 2011. Maybe the fates will work their magic in bringing one my way. I am so glad that you still love yours too. We are very much sisters on this.

Thank you dear etoile. I happen to love this scarf's name. It was a favorite paper brand I used to choose a lot for printing.:smile: