Involuntary Coach ban support group

How did I forget about Plum Cassie?! They are totally different. Now you get to enjoy that color twice as much. šŸ˜„

That's funny. Maybe your husband can enjoy bananas outside. Bananas do have a strong scent. Now I am wondering if my lotion is bothering people, lol. It isn't a banana lotion but one of those mixed up Bath and Body Works scents that is very soft and lightly sweet, and you have to play guess what this smells like, lol. I like that it is soft. I get to enjoy it without overwhelming anyone. It's seasonal; so I hope they bring it back for me. I will ask if anyone else smells that hint of banana. šŸ˜ I think it has vanilla with it. I really love the scent of vanilla. A lot of people like vanilla; so I am surprised by how many don't. I have heard from several men that they cannot stand any fake vanilla scent. One of my boys doesn't like anything vanilla from B&B Works. šŸ˜„

My favorite BBW scent is warm vanilla sugar!
I prefer vanilla scents overall. I can't do perfume type scents, though I can handle many of the B & BW soaps since they don't really linger. I agree that warm vanilla sugar is a nice one for scented lotions, etc. Whenever I would get scented candles in the past before switching to the kind you just turn off and on, lol, I would get vanilla, sugar cookie, pumpkin type scents.
The last time I smelled Warm Vanilla Sugar was when I had my first child. So it's been a while, lol! That one was very perfumey to me and not vanilla enough; I heard it has completely changed so need to smell the newer version. Those are my favorite candles too: vanilla, sugar cookie, pumpkin (especially vanilla pumpkin)...any bakery or fruit pie scent. Yum!
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The last time I smelled Warm Vanilla Sugar was when I had my first child. So it's been a while, lol! That one was very perfumey to me and not vanilla enough; I heard it has completely changed so need to smell the newer version. Those are my favorite candles too: vanilla, sugar cookie, pumpkin (especially vanilla pumpkin)...any bakery or fruit pie scent. Yum!
I love those smells but don't they make you want to eat baked goods? I got warm vanilla sugar for Christmas once from MIL. It made me want to eat a cookie every time. šŸ˜†
Oh no did you find something specific you like? Or just thinking it would've been nice to have a bag for either occasion?

No, I didnā€™t ā€œfindā€ anything new except for one that I just discovered today :lol:. I saw the 25% off sale applies to the black RTH if it were in stock but itā€™s not currently. Itā€™s still on my mind like a couple other ā€œdream bagsā€ I gave up in working with my own ban rules (specifically, my rule of 3 new designer bags this year). But I got to be strong!!!
Aaaaah, I appreciate you ladies willing to ignore my foolish bag ban declaration!!! For now, I will try to stick to itā€¦ā€¦.until I canā€™t anymore :lol:. But you know how once a certain bag gets on your mind, you canā€™t stop thinking about it until you have it. Even though I am mostly not considering new bags these days, there are still 6 bags on my wishlist from before.

I will do my best just to get one last bag from DUYP this year as I stated before. Thanks ladies :smile: