i broke up with my boyfriend

you're not being selfish. you can't stay with a guy if he doesn't treat you the way you want to be treated. maybe this break will make him realize what a great person you are and that he needs to treat you better.
I'm sorry, Amanda. It's hard even when you know the person isn't right for you because you care so much about him. Trust yourself. I agree with everyone who said that if it's meant to be, you'll find each other again. It sounds like you need time away from him and he needs to figure out some things too. Hang in there, sweetie. It's really rough right now, but things will get better. It sounds like you're doing the right thing for yourself and you know what you want. Go with your gut. It'll lead you to the right course for you. And that's what matters really, what you feel is the right thing for you.

Girl! If he's treating you bad, then you made the right decision. Eventhough you might love him and all, this is the chance to really be alone and think about your goals in life. The most important thing is listen to your heart and brain!! If you feel too depress then go shopping for purses. That will make you feel better for 3 hours so you can think clearly! Take care of yourself now!
you're not being selfish at all. i have a friend who's going thru something similar, except he's a guy. it's okay to want to be single for a while. if you feel like you need space and there's things you personally need to take care of alone then good for you. it's great that you want to better yourself. it doesn't mean that you have to cut him off completely. i'm sure you two will still be friends. and when/if you two get back together things'll be so much better because you'll be happy with yourself. i hope everything works out. stay strong and true to yourself.
boyfriends aren't always easy...you gotta do what you gotta do, and sometimes that means moving on alone...
sounds like you already know that you did the right thing. I believe things can only go up from here, you have a new start on life. *hugs*
awww sweetie, I'm sorry you are going through this :sad: . but you know what? you really have to think about what's best for you. I bet if you had stayed because you felt bad for him, you would have ended up resenting him more and more. and if you aren't happy in your relationship eventually the person you are with will become unhappy as well. sometimes it's better to take the bandage off quickly and get it over with, KWIM?

do what's best for you, and in the end, it'll be best for you and whomever you are in a relationship with. (hope this made sense...)
thanks for the support you guys...i'm having, like, huge emotional swings. one second i'm glad that i did it and i don't think we'll get back together, the next i think we will, and the next i think i've made a huge mistake and need to go to him this instant. i know i need the time, i just hate the look in his eyes when i told him that i had to leave.

i honestly don't think i've ever done anything harder than leave.
Aww I'm so sorry you're going through this Amanda. It's really hard especially when you still have feelings for him! I agree with Swanky in that sometimes you need to take a break from a guy so they can realize the things that they took for granted and learn from it.

I did that with my boyfriend too.. I just got to the point where I couldn't take anymore and ended things with him. And a few weeks and a lot of phone calls later I could tell how upset he was and that he had learned from it so I gave him another chance. And it's being going well so far.

I hope things work out okay with you as well.. keep us posted!
jc2239 said:
amanda you're not being selfish at all.....your response is totally reasonable.....if your boyfriend isn't treating you the way you want to be treated and he's taking you for granted maybe the time apart from you will make him realize exactly what he's missing out on.........

it's totally understandable if you need to be alone for awhile to work on yourself, and if he really loves you he should be able to understand that and want this for you even if it does make him sad.....

i'm so sorry you're going through this but at we're all here to support you

I agree 100%!...The most important thing is to takecare of you, so that you can find out what you want in life. I think you should be proud of yourself for finding the courage to break-up this relationship that is not working for you right now, there are alot of women out there that stay in very poor relationships for years. Takecare.
Amanda, you're not selfish, you just need some you-time, especially if he isn't treating you like you deserve!! {{{HUGS}}}
It doesn't mean you didn't love him or that your relation wasn't meaningful... it's just that it's run its course for now. If you're meant to be together, you will get back together and he'll make amends.
Your not selfish at all!!!

you need to do whats right for YOU... then see what happens... either way good luck and all PF members are here for you as you can see... hugs..
You're not being selfish at all. You sense that you needed some time to yourself so this might be a good break for both of you to figure things out. Break up is tough but it's also a time to reevaluate yourself. Your relationship with him might even enhance due to this break. My bf and I broke up last year because we were driving each other nuts and we didn't know what to think of it. After a few months of "alone" time, we finally got back together and we realize we understand each other more.

So try to relax and do what you have to do. If it's meant to be, you'll have him back in your life in no time.