Scarves Get-Crafty-Hermes-Fur-Scarf-Collar-Zero-Dollars~

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:nuts: WAH .. DIVA :nuts:
I need to borrow Bonbon and show her off^


OMG LGA :love: :love:
Hi Gals! Hope everybody is enjoying a relaxing evening/night. You gals are being so kind and generous in spirit about Cody. I so appreciate the support and understanding. Hugs to all of you. He stopped eating again last night/today so now he has additional meds/treatments. I won’t go in to further details. other than still going day by day but I’m going to be making a decision sooner rather than later. Ok, enough of me being a downer.

Vicky, I'm so sorry! Hugs to you! :hugs:
OK, just so that I know what/how to post on this thread.

shooz here = no no :tdown:.
furs = YES :tup:.
scarves = YES :tup:.
furbabies = Yes :tup:.

shooz + furs + scarves = OK????
craft projects???? I am a fairly accomplished knitter.
OK, just so that I know what/how to post on this thread.

shooz here = no no :tdown:.
furs = YES :tup:.
scarves = YES :tup:.
furbabies = Yes :tup:.

shooz + furs + scarves = OK????
craft projects???? I am a fairly accomplished knitter.

:roflmfao: hahahaha......thank you EB - now I don't feel quite so lost!! :P

I can't knit but I am going to attempt to sew some straps onto my bouffant fur collar this weekend. don't think I dare trust myself with a glue or nail gun (:nuts::nuts:) but the iron straps sounded quite good......
Yay! I'm so excited; I've just been to the post office to pick up my lovely goodies from MaiTai. I got the salt & pepper fur collar which looks fabulous. I may have to start sleeping on that fur collar, it feels sooooo soft!!:P
Also got some scarf rings, including one for my mother & one for a dear friend. So lots of scarf playtime all round!!:yahoo:
I know everyone does not always like the rules, but if you want to just chat with your Hermes pals, there is a designated thread for that. It can be on whatever topic you want at whatever moment. And all of you that are friends here can move there to do so. There are reasons we do not allow threads to go off topic - it dilutes the threads and makes the already massive forum harder to navigate and harder to keep organized.
OK, just so that I know what/how to post on this thread.

shooz here = no no :tdown:.
furs = YES :tup:.
scarves = YES :tup:.
furbabies = Yes :tup:.

shooz + furs + scarves = OK????
craft projects???? I am a fairly accomplished knitter.

My understanding is that posts about pets belong on the Chat thread. Unless of course, they happen to have their own personal fur like Miss BonBon;) Chat is for personal issues, recipes, illness (human or pet related) and anything under the sun. This thread, the way I understand it, is solely for Hermes items as they relate to wearing with your fur pieces and/or any other crafted item that a person can dream up. I am thinking that discussing scarves is included on the list of things that are fine to discuss. If that is not correct, please have a Mod post and let us know.
Here's the first post that started this ongoing thread:

I have to admit that I coveted the new Hermes fur scarf collar the minute I saw it introduced this past fall, and Ranag's recent reveal of her beauty only whetted the appetite I'm afraid!

But, there was no way that I could afford it or justify buying one, as I live in Atlanta with limited days to wear such a collar. What to do? Well, I decided to make my own. I searched eBay and found a brand new dark brown fox fur collar from a furrier in Newport News, Virginia for $12.00. Better yet, eBay had just sent me a $25 gift card, so the collar was FREE.

I cut lengths of Hermes ribbon (we all have a good supply of that around the house) and stitched the loops to the underside of the collar. I even had the right shade of brown thread on hand. After 45 minutes of dutiful stitching, viola - a pretty good looking facsimile of Hermes luxury.

Of course, it's not officially from Hermes, and I'm sure that it's not as nice as the real thing, but I'm pretty happy with it and will enjoy wearing it with some of my H. scarves.

Total Investment? Time - 45 minutes. Cost - $0.

Merry Christmas!

So, the topic should be related to Hermes, furs and crafts related thereto keeping with the original concept of this thread. General chatter unrelated to this, especially having nothing to do with Hermes, belongs in Chat.
Here's the first post that started this ongoing thread:

So, the topic should be related to Hermes, furs and crafts related thereto keeping with the original concept of this thread. General chatter unrelated to this, especially having nothing to do with Hermes, belongs in Chat.

Jag, could you post this at the Chat thread as I think the people that cross post on occasion in both threads do not seem to understand this. I also do not think that the occasional fly by posters who are not regulars on this thread are more prone to not following the thread topic. Please take that into consideration when reviewing the posts here. Thank you.
Since this thread, like all PF threads, is open to all, why post this only in Chat? The title of the thread is pretty clear and I'm sure that if the thread regulars post on topic, there should be no issues. It's a fairly narrow theme. I'm confident people can figure out what is appropriate and what is not. If anyone is unclear, having reviewed the posts here from Megs, Jag, kellybag and me, they are free to PM any of us for clarification.
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^^Since you know from working on Authentication that people are incapable of reading the page that they are posting on, and following instructions, I don't hold out much hope. The regular people will follow instructions, the occasional posters will not. I would say this thread is dead. Rest in peace.
Since we receives numerous complaints that this thread was closed and members getting upset over its closing, I want to offer the following explanation.

The Clubhouse was originally instated to provide topical threads pertaining to different aspects of Hermes. Threads with info, pictures, stories of acquisition, whatever else may be related to the topic at hand.

It was not intended to be a place for random chat threads and hangouts. For this there is the chat thread (which Kellybag linked above) and the Chatter Box in the GD sub-forum. If members feel so strongly about wanting to maintain their close circle of friends in chat threads, that's what the Chatter Box was made for. There's other threads with people from different brand sub-forums chatting about in lengthy threads. Try it, it's fun. :idea:

Again, tPF was structured and will always be structured in a way that there is sub-forums for specific topics and interests. We encourage people who are usually only trafficking certain designer brand forums to venture out, there is a lot of other very nice members all over tPF that you can connect with.

This thread in particular had admittedly become more of a chat thread and was hence closed. If the OP wishes, I can move this thread to the Chatter Box and continue it there, but it is not fit for the Clubhouse. Other threads will find a similar fate in the coming days in our effort to streamline the content in different sub-forums.

PM me if you have any questions.
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