emergency surgery tonight

thanks everybody -- we got to bring jeter home yesterday. now the challenge is to keep him quiet, as he seems to think he should be out playing with the stick or rough=housing with his sister . . . .

meanwhile i'm trying to forget about the biopsy and just enjoy the fact that he survived surgery -- but also prepare myself, as he's a flat coated retriever and they are prone to the awful "C" word.

i promise a better update later -- i'm exhausted. jeter fell asleep on the couch and i insisted on sleeping there with him, which was somewhat less than restful!

thanks for all your support -- and keep thinking "NO CANCER!"

dressage...oh I just found this thread...I'm glad Jeter made it out of surgery and hopefully he will be fine. I love flat coated retrievers! I saw them at the Dog Show here in Detroit, MI. and fell in love.:love:
Best to you and Jeter, DQ. I hope it all goes well. They can do amazing things these days, I am keeping good thoughts coming your way! Please keep us posted.

And thanks HG for the heads up and the link!
Still praying for a good biopsy. Boxers are prone to having lots of lumps and we always get them checked out, trying to catch the bad stuff early.

I'll bet you're exhausted! Best wishes to you and Jeter.
thanks so much everyone for helping me cope - and special thanks to HG for pointing my hermes buddies to this thread. coturegirl, the horse in my avi is "Seoul" - a 24 yr old danish warmblood. (you can't tell from this photo, but he is a very cranky man -- though he has developed a soft spot for me over the years.)
the wait for the biopsy results is torture. :hysteric: in the meantime, here's my beloved hooligan recovering on the couch. (he's got a morphine patch so he's been doing a lot of snoozing.)

awww, i'm sorry to hear about what happened to jeter. i'm glad that he looks to be resting comfortable. here's to a speedy recovery and negative biopsy results!