Dreams come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They do! They do!!!!!!!!!

OMG ... OMG ..... zac..... 'L' - - - I'm speechless :nuts: !!! WOW ... BREATHTAKING - this lilac work is AMAZING, just TDF :yahoo: :tender: ohh I'm sooooo happy for you hun :love: - I know this feeling 'dreams come true' ;) :yes: CONGRATS lucky girl and ENJOY it :flowers:
That is one stunning bag. WOW! I never thought I wanted a lilac bag but now I am starting to rethink this; seriously, your bag is so awesome. Congratulations and have fun wearing it!!!
Cat, lb, meow, 4LV, yaya, trama, jem, myriam, liz, first!, christie, chris, srat, tucker, jennifer & becca~ OMG~ thank you for sharing in my joy!!!:heart: BIGGEST HUGS to all of you!!!!!!!!:heart: :kiss: :heart: :love: :heart: