Beautiful, HEALTHY Celebrity Bodies!

Amy Adams

Blake Lively

Charlize Theron



Emily Blunt & Anne Hathaway
the britney VMA pics that are being quoted over and over in this thread are perhaps the most enviable body i have EVER seen! wow.

i hope she can get back to that level of health, not only physically obviously, but more importantly, mentally. she's capable of putting the work to get positive results, as witnessed by her physique back in teh day. lets hope she can put that kind of energy and determination behind getting better..

anyway, good additions everyone!
Wow! I can't tell you how happy I am to see a thread praising women for beautiful healthy bodies! So often celebs drop unhealthy amounts of weight and suddenly get the cover of every magazine and pick up new ad campaigns. It sends such a negative message to today's youth and all women in general. Thanks everyone for posting and praising these women for being such good role models, and most of all, good to themselves. Long live this great thread and the self esteem and motivation it inspires in all of us!
thank you for this thread!

here is a prime example of why women have self esteem issues. take a gorgeous HEALTHY woman like america ferrara and put her on the cover of a magazine and the magazine assumes that they need to do this in order to make it sellable:

i think she's gorgeous as is and airbrushing her to a size 2 or less is just absurd!!!

majandra delfino: