does your DH or SO try to interefere w/ your chanel addictions?

When he gets started on my bag addiction (and shoe addiction) :s, i always bring up the FACT that his car can buy many of my Hermes, Chanels and LVs :yes: and he will stop his nagging.

But I also try to keep him as uninvolved as possible with the bags that i buy/plan to buy. :P I will ask him if the bag looks nice occassionally (from pictures) but will NEVER bring him to the boutique.. saves me a lot of trouble and heartache. :sneaky:
I'VE brought up the point about his car too, but he's like can we get to places in your chanels? and i always say no, but it makes me very happy, which in turn, will make you very happy...anyways, it doesn't work. he's just not having any of it, and we are constantly getting into fights about it.
^ LOL! i dun even know what ure DH would do w/ that thing, maxter:roflmfao:

My BF would have a lil problem i i usually lie about the price..say $1200 instead of $1800..OR sometimes $900 instead of $1900..depends.hehe..
but whenever he gives compliments on it and say he likes it, i will tell the real price..but if he doesnt comment, I just be quiet:P
Love the house and my gosh, that toy -- what a workhorse!! I'm laughing coz two doors down from us is a man who buys front loaders, etc. like I buy groceries. DH loves to work on cars. One day he came home and I said honey, don't be angry but I bought you a '63 Volvo; it's in New Mexico. That's the only big item ($1200) that I've made without discussion. I'm very independent, very and I will buy something I want, but I tell him just so he doesn't feel out of the loop. Other than the old Volvo, every car has been a joint decision. That said, before we were married, nothing I bought was any of his business and I didn't consult him. I did say independent, didn't I?
well, another thing DF has a problem with si the fact that, he feels buying chanels would be special, saved for special ocassions, he bought me my very first, which is a blk/blk patent cambon tote, and i guess he's bothered by the fact that i'm buying so many, so if and when he does buy me another one, it won't be as special to me, since i'm buying so many for myself...either way, we're not seeing eye to eye on this topic
Couples will always fight over money , if you have a little or a lot. My bf loves his toys and car so much, thats his thing and I want him to be happy with his passions. I love to shop , he only gets upset when he thinks we cant afford it or I crossed the line. ( which I do alot). I work and make my own money , when we live together things I know will be very different thats why I am trying to purchase alot before we move in together . I have to hurry and get all that I want cause I know things will change , I hope I wont have to hide stuff lol I always feel guilty I probaly will be leaving alot of things in my car. :graucho:
Every day you're alive is special!! You're special, he's special -- he, she and it are special. I'm going to get a tad personal here. I was a vegetarian, exercised, hitchhiked across country -- very active. I got cancer and my back has a thoracic herniation and cysts growing on nerves. DH stepped over my body one day on his way to work. He never did it again after what we both ended up going through. Life is special and each of us deserves to be happy. Appreciate and love each other for life is too short to argue over Chanel purses, and computer chips for cars. (I love cars too. We now have 4 of them, too.) When mortality slaps you in the face, things seem to come into focus. It's a shame it takes something so devastating to teach us.
He knows better. Besides, look at his little "toy" that he bought for himself. Honestly, if it has wheels, he'll buy it. I think he's crazy!!



What a "toy" for big boys!!
I'VE brought up the point about his car too, but he's like can we get to places in your chanels? and i always say no, but it makes me very happy, which in turn, will make you very happy...anyways, it doesn't work. he's just not having any of it, and we are constantly getting into fights about it.

I used to have a couple of teary fights about bags as well..:sad: those were really BAD and im so glad it hasnt happened recently.. :sweatdrop: It basically got to the point where he associated buying bags with being materialistic :s

Maybe there is an element of materialism but to me its more like an addiction. Buying bags makes me happy. :love: Gives me a "high" and i enjoy it. :shame:
Every day you're alive is special!! You're special, he's special -- he, she and it are special. I'm going to get a tad personal here. I was a vegetarian, exercised, hitchhiked across country -- very active. I got cancer and my back has a thoracic herniation and cysts growing on nerves. DH stepped over my body one day on his way to work. He never did it again after what we both ended up going through. Life is special and each of us deserves to be happy. Appreciate and love each other for life is too short to argue over Chanel purses, and computer chips for cars. (I love cars too. We now have 4 of them, too.) When mortality slaps you in the face, things seem to come into focus. It's a shame it takes something so devastating to teach us.

jmen - Here's to your continued health and happiness :drinkup:
Every day you're alive is special!! You're special, he's special -- he, she and it are special. I'm going to get a tad personal here. I was a vegetarian, exercised, hitchhiked across country -- very active. I got cancer and my back has a thoracic herniation and cysts growing on nerves. DH stepped over my body one day on his way to work. He never did it again after what we both ended up going through. Life is special and each of us deserves to be happy. Appreciate and love each other for life is too short to argue over Chanel purses, and computer chips for cars. (I love cars too. We now have 4 of them, too.) When mortality slaps you in the face, things seem to come into focus. It's a shame it takes something so devastating to teach us.

I'm glad to hear u pulled through those rough times :yes: **hugs**
My DH complains for a couple of reasons 1) when it's time to buy me a gift, he says there's nothing left to buy that I would like since I have already bought it and 2) he noticed last year that I purchase &/or was given 18 chanel's within a 5 month span. So know I don't buy not because he "wont let me" but because i've realized how bad that was.