Michael Jackson (1958 - 2009)

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.... Michael's parents have not blue eyes

I'm sorry, but have you seen Joe Jackson? He has vivid blue eyes, and they're not contacts. Even if Joe didn't have blue eyes, that does not mean there aren't blue eyes within the Jackson family. DNA is a funny thing. I have vivid blue eyes yet my mom's eyes are green and my dad's are brown. I look just like my dad so I know he's my biological father. Anyway, Paris is the spitting image of Debbie, who does have blue eyes. So I don't see how, or why, you appear to basing one's paternity on eye color alone, especially since her mom has blue eyes, as does her grandpa.

One more thing, Prince is starting to show the beginning signs of Vitiligo on his hands, wrists, neck, forehead and few other locations. While that's not an indication of paternity, Vitiligo can be hereditary.
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It would be a pretty big coincidence for Prince to have it and not be MJ's considering only 1 - 2% of the US population has Vitiligo. Very interesting.

P.S. I have blue eyes and my dad and mom both have brown eyes.
Something that is also very telling is the fact that a vitiligo website has picked up on Michael's son Prince's possible vitiligo which is inherited:


"Those who suffer from vitiligo has a family history of this disease."

There are also a lot of pictures which show evidence:



These pictures look badly photoshopped to me, the neck is darkened with pale spots added. I think it's incredibly insulting to Prince by making it look like he hasn't washed his neck in weeks. The person who photoshopped these pictures should be ashamed of themselves.
Joe's eyes are old. thats why they are blue. My aunt has "blue eyes" as well. she use to have brown eyes
Good point. They do look washed out,... not blue, just faded.

ETA - Does anyone know why they had the final funeral after sunset? The pictures looked a bit eerie to me, being dark with some bright lights and lots of shadows. Was there a reason for the timing of the service?
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Jayne, they are 100% not photoshoped because there are a dozen of these pictures taken the same day with different photographers that show the same patches.

Just go into google or getty images and type in Prince Jackson and you'll see for yourself.

Joe Jackson has always had blue eyes - because on Joe's side of the family they are mixed with white genes. The Jackson family also have native American in them. Even Michael said that people look at Paris and think Debbie but he said that it could of easily come from his gene as his father as blue eyes.

If you type in Michael Jackons funeral in getty images you'll see pictures of the kids.

Here is Prince, again the patches are evident:

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I am surprised at how uneducated people are in modern times on genetics and especially biracial people. Its sad because in the old times black fathers or a black mother would have their children taken away from them if they came out "white looking" as people did not believe the child was their own. In slavery times, biracial people who were half black passed as whites.

Here are some pictures on biracial (half black/half white) children here:








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To me I see both Debbie Rowe and Michael Jackson in Prince:


Prince is biracial. It is not unusual for him to not look black as he is half white. His mother is very pale woman with blue eyes.

Paris is all her mother, just a darker version:


If Paris had two white parents, she would be as fair as Debbie.

A lot of people have also said that Paris has Toya's shaped head:


With the famous Jackson smile:





You can tell when people refuse to believe the truth though. Fair enough have an opinion but when facts come forth like Joe Jackson having blue eyes – stating that its old age and that they looked washed out (when he was born with blue/green eyes) only proves you don’t want to believe the truth. Pictures are then shown of the signs of vitiligo on young Prince and suddenly they are photoshoped? If you don’t want to believe they are his biological children, then don’t but don’t go making excuses for what is in front of your eyes. At least be big enough to acknowledge what you see.

I'd also like to add that even a vitiligo website picked up the signs on Prince:


I would hate for Prince to have this awful disease. No one would wish this on anyone but Ive seen enough pictures to come to the conclusion that sadly it seems so. In such a horrible way, it also proves Michael is the biological father as it is a very rare disease (1 - 2%) and is inherited. Joe Jackson had the disease on his side.