*CLOSED* Authenticate This GUCCI

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May 23, 2009
This thread is closed as we don’t currently have authenticators for Gucci, please seek a paid service.

Please post authenticity questions related to GUCCI in this thread.

The PurseForum requests that only members with an extensive knowledge of the brand and authenticating who have over 500 posts participate as authenticators in this AT thread. The moderators reserve the right to remove authentications that do not meet these requirements.

Please follow the following rules:

Before you submit a request for authentication, please search this thread to make sure that the item has not previously been authenticated. This is in order to prevent duplication requests and to make it simpler for people to 'search' for items which may have been posted previously. This is not a thread to ask general questions about GUCCI, please refer to our main GUCCI forum for such information.

This is a free service, but it is imperative that you help our authenticators by using the following format:

Listing number:

If the bag in question is not on an auction site, please use the following:

Item Name (if you know it):
Link (if available):
Who took the pictures:
History of the bag:

Please give us as much information as you can and then attach any pictures (all authentication must include pictures).

Authenticators are not required to answer every request and it is their right to ignore a request that is not in the proper format.
Please note that comments on price and condition are NOT permitted.
Please limit your request to one (1) per post; otherwise it gets too confusing keeping them all straight.
Do NOT PM an authenticator or moderator to request authentication. Any and all such requests must be posted in this thread.
To ensure that additional pictures requested are seen by the authenticators, please utilize the quote feature or provide a link to your original request and response. Failure to do so may result in your query not being answered.
Should one of your items be questioned in this thread, you are welcome to provide additional pictures or materials supporting its authenticity.
Do not handle your disputes with other members in this thread but take your differences to Private Messages. Failure to do so can result in banning.


All Authenticate This threads on tPF are meant to provide assistance to shoppers who are uncertain about the legitimacy and authenticity of designer goods. The evaluations posted by tPF's members are only opinions that stem from personal experiences as shoppers and collectors. They are not legally binding or professional authentications and are not to be treated as such.

For questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the forum administration via the forum's contact form.
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I should add they are used and were listed in good condition/ resoled.

Bumping...my pics of the Gucci boots are on the previous page. I am new to this so if I am on the wrong thread (if there is another for shoes) or my pics are not clear enough for authentication, please let me know and I will update pics or repost. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
May I ask for assistance with this Gucci sukey?

Thank you so much for any help you might be able to provide!

Item: guccissima hobo
Seller: fashionphile outlet
Item number:291836324988
Link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/291836324988?redirect=mobile

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Two more to follow- thank you!

Bumping this in the hopes that someone might be able to help :smile: I hope that's okay. thank you!!!
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