Workplace What do you do for a living?

sakura23 said:
Good luck. Working for Big 4 is tough, but teaches you alot.

Do you work for a big 4? If so how do you like it and what area are you in (audit, tax, etc)?I have my last interviews in the next couple weeks to meet the partners of 3 of the 4 big firms, I'm excited.
Do you work for a big 4? If so how do you like it and what area are you in (audit, tax, etc)?I have my last interviews in the next couple weeks to meet the partners of 3 of the 4 big firms, I'm excited.

Yes I do. I started as a graduate in 2009 and am a Senior Consultant. I work in audit, so this time of year is very demanding for us - I am also sitting my last CA exam next Tuesday so that is stressing me out too. The best part of the job is the people I work with and the technical challenges that I face. Good luck for your partner interviews, they seem pretty scary but they were in your shoes once.
maylove said:
How's that working out? Do you like it and what do you usually do? I'm going to school for it right now in hoping to become one! 

Back when I was in school I always thought I'd end up becoming a financial analyst but after graduation I landed in credit which surprisingly worked out for me. We look at different securities and entities and value their risk/ credit worthiness. There's a lot of excel modeling, financial statements, and client interaction. I still have a lot to learn. What's your major in school? Many people I work with usually have backgrounds in finance, accounting, and economics. Hope his helps!