Want to show off new Chocco spy

chloe-babe said:
It is such a rich dark colour.
Wow, I am liking the chocolate - ALOT

Have you used it yet or waiting for a special outing ?!

Chloe babe I've used it a fair bit. Practically ever day since I got until yesterday when it was swapped over to the new Chloe. I'm quite sad when I have it out I take a seperate wee bag inside it should it rain so that I can protect it!!!

Yeah the chocco is a gorgeous colour, almost black but not quite!
I love your chocolate Spy. That's a great idea -- putting a plastic bag inside your purse in case it rains! I could have used THREE plastic bags the other day. One for my purse & two more for my shoes!!!
I have the dark brown spy and love it. I sold it and bought another one because I just love it so much. It's going to be my "grab and run out of the house in case of fire" bag.