Two New Scarves and Playtime =)

Hey A! You look fantastic with both scarves, :heart:. I have always had a little difficulty getting them to stay put, but your incredible pics are so inspiring....I am going to try again!! Especially during the summer months, it is a great look. I am also so glad that the 'Les Jardins D'Armenie' worked out so well for you -- the colorway looks beautiful on you, ;).
Both so gorgeous and they look fantastic like that! My hair is so slippery I wouldn´t be able to keep it on without some clips or something.
Lovely looks AL. Everytime I attempt the headwrap though, my DH always calls me a "pirate". :rolleyes:

I think the secret is to let some bangs or your hairline, if you have no bangs, peek out. I've seen Nicole Ritchie rocking this look with her bangs doing the "swoop" many times.
I used to never wear a headband or a head wrap because I just didn't look right with my hair all tightly pulled back from my face... once I realized you could let your long bangs peek out in a "swoop" it suddenly looked much better and now I wear my twillys and pouchettes as head bands and wear head wraps quite frequently!
I think the secret is to let some bangs or your hairline, if you have no bangs, peek out. I've seen Nicole Ritchie rocking this look with her bangs doing the "swoop" many times.
I used to never wear a headband or a head wrap because I just didn't look right with my hair all tightly pulled back from my face... once I realized you could let your long bangs peek out in a "swoop" it suddenly looked much better and now I wear my twillys and pouchettes as head bands and wear head wraps quite frequently!

Ooooh! Photos please!!!!
I don't have one of me... maybe tomorrow, but I'll try to locate one of NR... this month's In Style had a picture of her... in fact they had a short pictorial about how to wear a head scarf and she was featured, since it's a look she wears often. In Style also recommended the Hermes pointu as one to try for this look.
Here are a few of Nicole...

And her fab Birkin too!

Personally I am not crazy about the look in the Birkin pic... let me rephrase that... I like it, but it looks pretty bad on me. Like I said before, I need some kind of swoop to take away from my big forehead and slightly crooked hairline, So Nicole's look in the first two pics is more what I go for. I have not, however, worn this look with a pony tail... I usually just have my hair long and flowing, and make sure to add a shine product so it looks healthy. I will probably try it with a messy bun though... that looks fun!
Nice! Thanks for posting the pics! I like the first two looks, as well.I definitely think this style needs reinforcements (either the afore mentioned Hollywood tape or some pins).

I wonder if dying your hair makes a difference? I remember when I used to dye my hair (haven't in YEARS), that scarves would stay on. I bet texture makes a difference. Now that my hair is it's natural color and healthier, it's a bit harder to keep the scarves in place.
I color my hair with semi permanent color occasionally... when I remember to do it... and I've not noticed a difference as far as the scarf staying on... what seems to work for me is to not tie is too tight... that seems to cause it to slip off more, actually! If it's a bit loose, it seems to sit just where it should and it stays put (inertia, maybe?). But I wouldn't put it to the test on a day with high winds, that's for sure!

My hair is bit wavy but very slippery (I condition it like crazy 'cause it's long) so I was initially worried about scarves slipping off, but I haven't had that problem yet.