Twiggers' New Obsession

Love your awesome Bbag collection especially the violet ... have the same color in day style ... that color is just so yummy! You have excellent taste. Sorry you got rid of your LV's ... they were awesome as well!
That violet, Naomi.. stunning. Absolutely amazing. However will you choose though between wearing the bubblegum and the violet? Both so gorgeous!

What's next on the list? Will you get a big B-Bag like the Messenger style or Work (is that the big square one?)? I think you need to do a cumulative "so far, so good" B-Bag photo shoot! They'd be like a little rainbow together. :girlsigh:
Thanks all!!!

Frankie: I will be...but I still have a couple left to buy this month!!!

I am hoping the next one will be a juane twiggy (although I'm striking out finding one) or maybe a juane step....and a vert gazon (grass green) twiggy!