tPFs new helm - The Office!


Mar 16, 1980
Just finished the move to Florida, got a new desk, a new chair and a new screen. Granted, the cheap $300 Ikea desk doesn't really compare to the $900 Hermann Miller Aeron chair, but it does the job. Spending so many hours on my ass every day, the chair was the best investment I could have made. Brilliant fit!


Oh and that enormous thing in the middle is a 30" Samsung screen. I'll never use a smaller screen again, this thing's awesome. Best invention since... ever!

This is where the magic happens. Just felt like sharing. :tup:
Herman Miller Aeron chairs are amazing! Good choice! And that monitor makes me :drool::drool:

Thanks for sharing!! And thanks for cleaning and taking care of the nuts and bolts of tPF!!! :tup:
I totally know what you mean by loving the 30" screen! The bf has a 30" one from Apple, and even I agree it's a great tech investment :P What with the hours we spend watching DVDs, and him gaming on it :tup:

Enjoy the new office! :heart: