The Super Bowl: The tPF Review

I played hostess most of the game, but made a point to watch one of my favorite composers ever, Little Louie Vega, do the pre-game show with Cirque du Soleil. I love his music!!

Prince totally rocked, despite the rain... what a performance!
Apparently the 2 best teams WERE playing.. that's why they were there.

trust me, they were not the best teams! unfortunately, any team can win on any day, even bad teams (colts are ok, but the bears are not good) also, refs bad calls can definately affect the outcome of the game. Like i said before, it should have been the Patriots vs. Saints or Eagles. just look at the BCS Championship bOWL Game (Ohio St. v Florida), Florida should not have been there. It should have been Ohio St. v Michigan, but they had already played each other ealier in the season