Sweet Bubblegum was waiting for me...

Thank you for the sweet words, everyone! The Anthra is so chewy it's ridiculous - and I had seen other anthratwiggies on display that weren't nearly so nice, so I really got lucky I think! I remember the Anthra leather/color varying so widely everywhere I saw it...

Btw, SHASTA - your BGcity pics were the last straw for me - that color just bowled me over! Of course, I could only dream of having legs like yours, but that's another story...

I pulled my SweetBG out again to look at today - oops. heehee! Of course I then realized I hadn't properly tucked her in before - I had to a) push the mirror through the open side end behind the zipper and tuck her in her inside pocket so the mirror tassel doesn't get in the way of the zippers, and b) tuck the zipper ends in. Then she really looked like MY bag. :yes: