Stock in Santa Eulalia, Barcelona - including Vert Gazon Giant Day!

Gee, I really hope that those SAs were clueless and that the VG Giant Days are still stashed there somewhere...hinge, any luck?
Me too! My best guess is that they are either sold out or the SA's don't know where to find them.

Unfortunately I haven't had time to call them this week and I think it might be better for the ones that want the bag to keep trying. It's a pretty expensive call to make when you are not buying a bag:P

But I have been thinking about the SA's appearance and I remember that she had dark hair and was short of height. Very pretty but that's kind of hard to explain over the phone (every SA is going to be like "Hey, that must be me!":PLOL)
AND I think she was pregnant (a fact that would make her easy to track down) but I'm not sure about it:confused1:. And it's one of the worst things you can say to a woman if she isn't:wtf: