Prada LG phone

nope, not available in the US. my boyfriend works for Tmobile and just told me that as he is sitting next to me. You can buy it and use it here, but gotta get it from Asia. He works at one of the Chinese phone stores that go through Tmobile, and they actually do carry it there. It is a nice phone.

hM, take a trip to Asia and buy it =D just kidding.
I got mine off a seller in the UK; I have seen them here in Canada and it works with our Rogers network; I don't know which is the equivant network in the US. The UK seller is reliable and I got mine for about half the price they sell in Canada (about $1200CDN). You just need to get a different charger if you buy from the UK since their plugs are different, but you can just get it from and LG carrier.
My friend got one from overseas and lent it to me for a few days. She's v sweet.

V futuristic looking and thin

Very wow! Everyone at my workplace absolutely love it!

The leather casing is sweet. But its not the usual smoshy leather.

The sound effects of the phone is v Prada-ish!

The back of the phone is very prone to scratches, like a ipod. And the leather casing will scratch it.

Battery life is quite poor.

It is very very difficult to do texting. It took me forever to send a message to my friend. Scrolling through my long contacts is another nightmare.

As mentioned before, not 3G.

Overall, its a pretty little thing. But sending messages is her Achilles Heel