Passive Aggressive Notes

My fav since DH and I argue about the heat all the time! (thanks Caitlin)
OMG...hilarious! Sadly, I used to work in an office where a faucet in the rest room was leaking and someone had posted a very nice noted stating "...someone should call someone to fix this." WTF!!!
These are so funny! My family is notorious for leaving passive aggressive notes, then snarky sarcastic replies. Then we leave them out because we think they're funny, but everyone else thinks we're nuts! :upsidedown:

One time my mom came home with this ugly rooster thing for the kitchen so I put a post it that said "Ugly chicken!" on it. When I woke up there was one from my sister that said "Your mom's ugly!" and one from my brother that said "When can we eat him?" :lol:

Yeah... my family is weird :shame:
HAHAHA! I love this thread!

I'm the notorious note writer in my house. When my brothers lived here, it drove me insane that the toliet seat was ALWAYS left up. Granted I was the only female, but as time went on, I used to get a nasty painful twinge in my lower back when I went to lower it. I begged the guys to please put the seat down. And I taught the one brother who's disabled what to do. He was the easiest! Always put the seat down for Sissy after that, but now the ones with plently of brain cells still wouldn't put it down!

So I posted a note over the toliet saying something about how I would appreciate it if they would put the seat down for me, it's just polite to do so, etc, etc. It worked! Even after the guys moved into their own place, DH still remembers to put the seat down. (I think he's taken to peeing sitting down!)

We also have a dry-erase board in the hallway.. the hall is like a T, the front door is at the base of the T, then it branches out at the top. Go left, you head towards the bedrooms. Go right, you head towards the living room. So one cannot miss anything written on it.

I'm forever leaving notes for DH that start with "Who the heck!" and then into whatever was done/not done.(Which makes it funny, since he and I are the only humans living here now... lol!) Or silly ones with a serious undertone, like "Call the National Enquirer, the kitchen scissors grew legs and walked away!"

Sometimes, especially around my house, you can talk til you are blue in the face about stuff, and it does no good. So I am so for passive-agressive notes!!