My Liposuction Experience at PrettyBody Clinic ♥


Oct 5, 2023
Rating: ★★★★★

I recently underwent a liposuction procedure at PrettyBody Clinic in Seoul, and I am pleased with the entire experience. I went to several clinics for consultation, but ended up settling for Pretty Body because the staff really took their time during consultation (my consultation took almost two hours because I was asking so many questions), and I was able to see the doctor who told me exactly what he could and could not achieve. From the initial consultation to the aftercare, everything was impeccable, and I wanted to share my positive experience with others. First of all, I would like to thank Angelina, the consultant at PrettyBody Clinic, for her exceptional assistance throughout my journey. Angelina is fluent in English, and she also provided clear directions and guidance at every step of the process and was overall very reassuring and helpful.

The actual procedure itself went smoothly, I felt comfortable and well-cared for throughout the entire process, and the nurses were really reassuring and took good care of me after I woke up. The aftercare was also outstanding, and the attention greatly contributed to complication-free recovery. Most importantly, I am happy with the results of my liposuction procedure. At first I was worried because there was a lot of swelling, but after a few weeks the results started to show and I am glad I did the procedure. I used to be really concerned about my chubby stomach and love handles, and now my stomach is really flat and my waist is so small. ♥ ♥ ♥