Multiple Homes/Wardrobes


Mar 2, 2023
I'm wondering if any other FPBers have more than one home and how you deal with having more than one wardrobe? I was fine dealing with 2 homes, in quite distinct weathers and styles, but now I'm spending 2 years in a third one (where I don't even have that much wardrobe space) and I'm struggling with feeling that I have what I need at hand, nad have been shopping needlessly... I have tried to start using app such as INDYX and ACLOSET, but still need to get in the habit of actually opening them up, maybe because I don't want to be reminded of what is NOT here?
I don't know if I am an FPBer? Is that another net worth term? I don't know if I am, but I do own multiple homes and this is definitely an issue. I like to be efficient, and so in general I just double my favorite core wardrobe pieces, adjusting a bit for climate and style. I don't mind owning two (or more) of a thing if I wear it a ton. I may also buy a piece in slightly different colors - let's say it's a cashmere v-neck, I might buy in black for NYC and navy for Paris. This way, when I am putting outfits together I am really working with very similar elements no matter where I am.

For wildly differing climates, I think it's best to plan ahead and stock your closet - whatever size it may be - with the things you'd like best to wear if you were on a special vacation in that place. Keep your palette limited to start - colors you KNOW you will wear and that will work together - and think about core and complementary pieces. For instance, for a beach house, you may like sundresses as an everyday staple, so you will need sandals, and will also want cardigans/shawls/shrugs/pullover sweaters for going into air-conditioning. It can be helpful to go to designers you like that espouse a certain aesthetic for that particular climate and culture - so for instance when I bought my current beach house, which is EXTREMELY casual in a malibu-y kind of way - I did a big shop at James Perse, which fits that aesthetic well.

Otherwise YES you will feel you have nothing to wear, and will buy things that don't really work just to fill perceived gaps.

Once you have a basic closet, you can start to have more fun with accessories etc., but I think to avoid the last minute shopping, planning ahead and keeping it simple is key.

I don't use the styling apps because 1) it's a lot of work to set up properly and 2) I don't think I would open them :P
I'm wondering if any other FPBers have more than one home and how you deal with having more than one wardrobe? I was fine dealing with 2 homes, in quite distinct weathers and styles, but now I'm spending 2 years in a third one (where I don't even have that much wardrobe space) and I'm struggling with feeling that I have what I need at hand, nad have been shopping needlessly... I have tried to start using app such as INDYX and ACLOSET, but still need to get in the habit of actually opening them up, maybe because I don't want to be reminded of what is NOT here?
Yeah, it all starts with organization. For me, I determine how long I'll be at that specific home/city and what my purpose of being there is. From there, I:
  • determine what the weather/climate is (i.e. do I need jackets or sandals?)
  • determine what the location-specific fashion sense is (i.e. retro, trendy, urban, conservative, goth, etc.)
  • figure out the majority of the types of events I will be attending (i.e. is it casual or formal attire, or a mix)
  • figure out what colors suit me best (i.e. brights, darks, pastels, mix)
  • determine whether I will be walking most of the time, or driving (i.e. helps determine the wardrobe choices)
  • ascertain if there is an Hermes/LV/Dior/Saks store nearby :graucho: (i.e. if I need clothes, I can just go shopping--and don't need to stock my closet)
Then I stack my closets with the right combination of clothing, based on the needs & length of time at that home.
That's how I have been able to "survive", but without's a nightmare.

BTW, what's a FPBer? Maybe I am mis-labeling myself, LOL.