MBT's - love?? benefits??

I have these:


I only bought them a couple weeks ago and haven't been able to walk outside much in them yet do to the ridiculous amount of snow we've receive in the last couple weeks.

I've only been able to wear them in the house, so I don't really have much to report on yet. they don't feel as odd or different as I thought they would. Nor do they look as strange with my jeans as I feared.

I am an avid walker, and really can't wait to try them on a good long power walk outside.

Ah, maybe in a couple weeks.......
I wore these alot one summer when I walked ALOT and I really like how they made me stand more straight...not sure if they really helped my legs so much as I was working out 5 hours a day as I was at a fitness spa..but I did enjoy them and still use them often.