It's my birttttthday! Blueberry or Cornflower work as my present??

happy birthday! I'm asian too and I think blueberry would go better with your dark hair and clothing color preference. Also blueberry is closer to my favorite!!!!!
AWWWW Thank you ladies!!!! I am having a lovely day... hehe and the anticipation of buying a NEW WORK has made this day even lovelier!! (but my bank account is not too happy... hehe) I agree with most of the ladies here- I was probably just distracted by the price of the cornflower work. I think my heart is truly longing for the BLUEBERRY!

hehe now I have to deal with the minor issue of PAYING for this... HEHEH
Happy Birthday!

All the compliments is making me blush! :shame: You were just as sweet! I loved loved loved the blueberry on you. The jewel tone just works well for you.

When you have time, come by the store again and you can try on both the blueberry and the cornflower to see which color attracts you more. :yes: