Insecure HBO series starring Issa Rae

It's back. Final season. I've watched two episodes so far. I'll leave the first episode alone except it was great to see them at Standford's campus for a college reunion. Lawrence didn't go even though I remembered he graduated from there too.

Great eye candy on the second episode with Nana-Kofi Siriboe as an ex-con urban fashion designer was nice, some parts funny with the other ex cons getting used to working independently and then the work of actual small designers of their clothing in the show. It's nice to see the Issa character actually doing work she finds fulfilling.

Will be interesting to see how she and Molly grow.
I watched episode 3 and could so see both sides of Condola and Lawrence even though dad's never get it first baby. I loved the montage of her life as a tired single mom with infant versus his as a single guy with a baby. or is it juxtaposition?
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Last Sunday was meh. But maybe this is part of Issa's relationship building and getting to know the old boyfriend who disappeared on her better, his struggles even with his own family support system. I'm game to see where this goes. Things are going well with her relationship with Molly.
I did too!


Happy to see Issa making better choices for herself even if that included the possibility of getting back with her ex. Glad to see her turning something she loved doing for her community into a successful profession.

So sad yet happy for Molly.

And Kelly and Tiffany created a new bond over their children.

This was no where near the worst show to highlight a sorority or fraternity associated with a bunch of upwardly bound - Stanford grads.

I didn't even apply there in HS, never thought I would get in.

I appreciated their response (some people just woke up to find this show and the characters in the final season, I see) and Amanda doing a few final clips on IG and Tik Tok with Tiffany.