Glad you are loving your new suhali.
Makes me even more keen to get the suhali lockit, or maybe something from the new styles.:graucho:

like....? :nuts:

well not really, I don't know really lol.
I paid 2680$CAD on my receipt, but because of the price increase which varies between 1-1.8% I get 2710$CAD-2730$CAD (rounded).
To double check with the US price which is now 2590$US, the new conversion rate seems to be 1.05 for all the bags that increased in price, so I get 2720$CAD (rounded). lol :smartass:
Thats good to hear. The suhali bags are amazing, I would love a lock it. I hav been hearing negative things about the quality of the products but more about the customer service, only bags i heard had problems were the neverfull bags, but you hear the customers complaints almost daily, it's sad.

I have heard there are problems with the Neverfulls but I have a large one and have used it a lot with no problems. I keep checking it over and looking but its perfect.

as far as the customer service goes I think rather than it being all of LV its really an individual thing. I have shopped in two stores in my area and I admit in the first while the SA that I was working with ws nice she didn't show me anything new...no excitement over the product etc... several weeks ago I went into a different store just to kill time while waiting for my husband and a nice SA came over and chatted with me at length. I told him I was just looking but things were slow so he continued to chat and show me cool stuff (even stuff he knew I couldn't afford). Two weeks later I cam eback to that store and found the same SA. He showed me all the new stuff coming out for the fall, invited me to an upcoming event, and even got me on the wait list for a few great new bags. Still no purchase but you can bet he will get all my business. The first bag I want should be in soon..I can't wait.

So if you aren't getting the help or enthusiasm you think you deserve you should just look elsewhere...I did.