I was a bad girl & I didn't even buy anything...

THANK YOU for the pix!! Waking up to your pix was better than a whole box of warm Krispy Kreme donuts. The white smocked flap bag is so yummmy...
Thanks for all the great pics I'm calling later :smile:

Thanks for posting! As soon I'm off my self-imposed "No buying Chanel @ retail" ban, I'm heading to Palm Desert! What an assortment!

I guess I'll be going to Saks pretty soon...

I'm so happy you all love the bags and will probably either call or visit the Palm Desert store. All I ask is that you mention that you are a member from the purse forum and you saw pictures someone posted online because I'm just trying to establish clout for us so when any of us calls. That way, every SA in the store will do whatever is needed to help us get whatever we want. Wouldn't that be cool? We'd have so much clout!!!!:wlae: