I saw someone stole a bag today

It is always shocking to hear a stealing story. I think that KARMA is always at work -- that whatever you do, will be returned to you, a hundred times over. No one gets off "free" in life. You pay for it, in this lifetime...or the next!
I'm really surprised the guard did nothing about it! It's really sad how many people steal from stores today, I would never be able to do that. It would make me feel too bad!
Good looking, well dressed people steal. Multilingual people steal. Even rich people steal, famous people steal and I doubt it has anything to do with nationality.

So true ... I hate when people stereotype what stealers should look like! When I was a student, I worked part-time at the women's wear section in a large department store. One time, security was giving so much hassle to this one guy (he really looked homeless), thinking he was going to steal something. I felt so bad for the guy because there was at least 4 security guards following him around the store ... it was really sad!
I love London and I've been many times to Selfridges, it's one of my favourite shopping place! :yes:
It's incredible that the security just ignored you..! In the end it's their loss! :wtf:
Also, first time I went to UK I was impressed by security at stores. We usually don't have security at doors of the stores, just the alarm for the tags that sound. From some years we have security at high street stores but i.e. where I live there are still stores even without the alarm system! But I know that a big city is a big city and needs more security.
Anyway, I can't understand people who steal too. I remember my first time in London: I was for a sort of 3 weeks "holiday / study experience" with EF and some girls started to steal at Claire's at Trocadero... I was like -> :wtf:
Why shouldn't they risk to come back home and have a criminal trial for such a silly thing??? I really don't understand.
That is what I was thinking too, luv2shop.
You did the right thing telling the guard, it's too bad he was too lazy to actually do something about it.

it's possible that they only did if for the "rush" - or getting something out of nothing... people are weird - or maybe sick... (eg winona ryder)
One time we were at a street fair and one of the men we were with (i just met him that night) is very wealthy and he just took a small painting and put it inside his jacket and walked off. I was like why did you do that? and he said "it's fun". I guess some people just like the thrill of it and don't have morals.