I got the Pomme d'Amour heart purse, but.. (Update)

That is outstanding. Having a good SA makes such a world of difference. Mine called me this morning, and started out by saying "hey, how was the 5K this weekend?" I told him on Friday that I was doing a 5K race on Sunday and he remembered!

He also told me that he would make sure that as soon as my stuff arrived, he would set it aside for me and give me a call. He's great!
I am SO glad to hear of your positive experience! All too often you hear the bad experiences!

I got my SA the same way, she indulged my questions and my quirky sense of humor, treated me like a valued customer and make LV FUN! not all straightlaced!

i am SO happy for yOU! what an experience! so, you will be getting one on the 9th? congrats!
Thank you so much, I just feel so lucky knowing my SA and I never thought I can make friends with them, but with her she is just like friends for me. :smile:

Label Addict - my store is Edinburgh which is small but full of surprises. ^__^