i got a bunch of new ebay stuff tonight!


ASO The Today Show
Nov 3, 2006
well, new to me. lol. all from ebay:

a silver pen, medium agenda with full brand new 2007 refills (which i am in LOVE with) and the black inclusion cell phone thing that i put on my bh. the inclusion has a little nick (which i knew about) but all in all i think it's all fabulous.

here are pics if you want to see them:

i am so excited! just had to share. hope it's ok.
thanks everyone! i was so excited when i came home and all the packages were here.

does anyone know- the agenda is new to me but not new and the cover comes back a little- it's not aligned perfectly with the bottom. is there a way to fix that or reshape it? i thought maybe putting books on either side of it... any ideas would be appreciated. thanks!
yes you! i didn't know you were here! :::waving frantically at noshoe:::

i KNOW. trust me! i am out of control already! lol. i bought the black epi petit noe today :oh:
i meant to say HI you! LOL. i have lost my mind!

hi jen! i don't think i know your id on that board do i? forgive me for being a dumbbunny. and so sorry for the double thread- here and there. i was so excited!