I Cant Believe I Hesitated...(long posting alert)

I tell you what will be the best, having your teeth fixed, having a great bag AND having it all paid for! This will happen for you in the future. It will give you something really worthwhile to look forward to. What is nice about the Hermes bags is that they are around for a long time so you can save for them and anticipate getting them. Not some fad that is gone by the time you have saved. Put a picture of the bag on your fridge or in your mirror at home and think how nice it will be when you do get it. That great smile will be priceless and think how much that bag will mean to you. While the UK has a long way to go with dental care, it's still better than a lot of other places. At least you CAN get it fixed.

Remember to update us on both the dental work and bag projects.
Great Choice! Speaking of which.. I'm getting my Invisalign for my teeth in a few weeks. It would have been nice if you were down in Socal.. my DH (dentist) can help you out.
you'll never regret getting that beautiful smile...another bag will come your way....when you look at yourself in a mirror, then you'll be unbelievably happy and confident in your decision.
Yes teeth come first - I had all these same issues and more (antibiotics and environment exposure as child from living next to factory both affecting teeth, then car accident as adult breaking jaw, then jaw setting having to be redone several years later, as materials used in first surgery were recalled). All I can tell you is, teeth are essential in your life - not just appearance but nutrition and overall health and well being. Once your teeth are as they should be, you will have loads of Hermes bags. Trust me on this! I know this first hand.
Good luck with your tooth work, raz. I understand completely why you would be torn but we all absolutely agree with your decision - a bunch of H bag lovers, at that!