how often do you clean your closet

I reorganize my closet at least once ever 3 months and get rid of anything I don't like or wear or want. I am now very careful in what I purchase and have kind of a uniform look going. I only buy white tops, from T shirts to very ornate lace.

Wow! You're even stricter than I am. :smile: I've recently moved to purchasing only neutral-colored clothing -- meaning black, white, any shade of grey, any shade of beige/tan/brown, olive green, and navy blue. I LOVE it. :heart: Almost everything in my closet can be mixed and matched, and I find it much easier to create stylish-looking outfits than I did when I just had a mishmash of colors.

I still have clothing in other colors from the days before I implemented this, but as it wears out, it is slowly being replaced with only neutrals. Then I buy shoes, bags, jewelry, socks, underwear, scarves, etc. in whatever colors I want to add some interest.

Anyway, sorry for the long digression from topic, it's just nice to know I'm not completely crazy. :lol:

I keep up with mine on a pretty regular basis. I box things up that I'm not going to use anymore and give them away to the Salvation Army or some kind of charity, so someone else can put the stuff to good use.
Every season. I have storage under my bed for last season's clothing. Clothes that don't fit right or I don't see myself ever wearing go in bags in a closet. Clothing with wear on it goes in the trash. Once a year I also take a bunch of stuff to the goodwill to give it away.

I'm trying to transition to a point where I would never consider throwing something out and everything is essential, just possibly out of season.