HELP!! Need translation from German to English


Nov 1, 2006
I received a computer program sent by one of our collaborators in Germany. Unfortunately the program (which is written in Mathematica) has all it's comments in German. It deals with technical matter so the terms might be a bit esoteric. Is there anyone who might be able to help?

This is how it starts;

Hier werden die Ergebnisse der Rechnungen zusammengetragen

{some equations}


Hier wurde die Verstimmung ϵ3 auf Null gesetzt und somit
ΔE = ΔB =: Δ erreicht. Durch die
Definition unten gehen hier schon die inhomogenen Verbreiterungen ein, und
danach erst die Lokalfeldeffekte. Die Vorfaktoren d54/hbar bzw. μ21/hbar
wurden zusammengefasst und alle Zerfallsraten und Verstimmungen auf γ2

{more equations}

And there's lots more in this vein!
I know nothing about math, so I can't use any math-specific words, but here's a rough translation:

The findings of the calculations are brought together here:


ϵ3 was here set to zero and therefore
ΔE = ΔB =: Δ reached (proven???).

I'm trying to figure out how in the world to translate the rest. I understand what it's saying in German, but that's difficult to translate into english!
"Here the results of the calculations are gathered.


Here was the detuning ϵ3 set to zero and thus ΔE = ΔB =: Δ reached. By the definition down here already the inhomogenous widenings, and afterwards only the restaurant field effects are received. The Vorfaktoren d54/hbar and/or μ21/hbar was summarized and all disintegration rates and detunings on γ2 were standardized."

Damn, that's what I got from AltaVista's babelfish translator. Does any of it make any sense to you? I don't speak German, and babelfish can give some pretty hilarious results sometimes, but you might try inputting what you need translated in there and see if it helps you at all. (In the event that a real German-speaker can't come to your rescue here, of course!)
I know nothing about math, so I can't use any math-specific words, but here's a rough translation:

The findings of the calculations are brought together here:


ϵ3 was here set to zero and therefore
ΔE = ΔB =: Δ reached (proven???).

I'm trying to figure out how in the world to translate the rest. I understand what it's saying in German, but that's difficult to translate into english!

Thanks!! It's kind of difficult to understand in English itself - there are some words that are very specific to the area of research.

"Here the results of the calculations are gathered.


Here was the detuning ϵ3 set to zero and thus ΔE = ΔB =: Δ reached. By the definition down here already the inhomogenous widenings, and afterwards only the restaurant field effects are received. The Vorfaktoren d54/hbar and/or μ21/hbar was summarized and all disintegration rates and detunings on γ2 were standardized."

It does make some sense. I believe "Vorfaktoren" means something like 'parameters' so yes, the meaning is clear in the context of the program.

Thank you!!
Thanks!! It's kind of difficult to understand in English itself - there are some words that are very specific to the area of research.

It does make some sense. I believe "Vorfaktoren" means something like 'parameters' so yes, the meaning is clear in the context of the program.

Thank you!!

Yes, in this context vorfaktoren can be translated as parameters :smile:
I think "Polarisierbarkeit" can be translated as "possible polarisations".
If you leave out the mathematical context, then "Verbreiterung" can be "broadening" and "Lokalfeldeffekte" are local field effects.
"Zerfallsrate" is rate of decay...
"Vorfaktor" is tricky, though... if it means parameters, then why didn't they say so, it's the same word in German...
Regina :confused1:
I think "Polarisierbarkeit" can be translated as "possible polarisations".
If you leave out the mathematical context, then "Verbreiterung" can be "broadening" and "Lokalfeldeffekte" are local field effects.
"Zerfallsrate" is rate of decay...
"Vorfaktor" is tricky, though... if it means parameters, then why didn't they say so, it's the same word in German...
Regina :confused1:

Actually it's not the same as parameters exactly. In the way it is used in the program it means something like a constant that you put in front of a variable, but this constant also changes values depending on other results of the program.
Actually it's not the same as parameters exactly. In the way it is used in the program it means something like a constant that you put in front of a variable, but this constant also changes values depending on other results of the program.

Thanks; I really wish I could do translations like that...I am really in awe of people who can do that kind of thing.