Help Me...Find My First (New) Gucci


Purse Huntin'
Oct 4, 2006
Hello All,
I am graduating from college on the 19th and am buying another graduation gift that I have decided MUST be Gucci. Now, I have a couple of vintage Gucci's but I am in the mood to buy something new. This is why I decided to come to the authorities on Gucci to find some help with finding the perfect bag. My specs: I like big bags (17-18 x 8-15) and want something that I can carry often (so, python is out) and between $500-$800( I know this is a small budget but I do not start my real job for a couple of months). I live in Maryland but am going to New York, Vegas and Miami in the next four months. Therefore, if anyone can offer me some assistance I would love the help...I think that an outlet may be my best bet with such a small budget but I really love the craftsmanship and quality of Gucci bags and that's why i must have one! Thanks in advance!!:smile:
I know you said your budget is $500-$800. This one is $850

or this one is $550

This one is $695

This one is $620

Or $725

Or how about waiting until the end of the month and see what they have on sale.
I love big bags, too, not a small tote girl, and I vote for the first picture beljewl posted, the wave hobo. A few people have purchased one recently and love them! Congrats on your graduation!
Thanks everyone for the pics...where and when does Gucci have their sales ( I am a complete novice here!) and do you think that the first hobo would be on sale anytime soon? Whatevert I decide, after I pick it up, I will be sure to list pics!
They have sales 2 times a year. Late May/early June and late Nov/early Dec. no one ever knows what exactly will be on sale ahead of time. Just a few more weeks to wait. They also have a sale on line at the same time as in the store. I am sure once the exact date is announced for the upcoming sale that is all that we will talking about.
They have sales 2 times a year. Late May/early June and late Nov/early Dec. no one ever knows what exactly will be on sale ahead of time. Just a few more weeks to wait. They also have a sale on line at the same time as in the store. I am sure once the exact date is announced for the upcoming sale that is all that we will talking about.

hey beljwl, in another thread one of the girls called their SA's and found out that the sale will start june 5. so that is the magic day everyone!!!

ps- i love love love the medium chain horsebit hobo. perfect size. i also love the abbey lingotto. i dont have it but want it. if the platinum goes on sale i may consider getting it. :graucho:

you are in MD? so am i! good luck with everything and congrats on graduating. :yahoo: i still have until dec 07.
Thanks everyone for your help...I am adding my graduation money, so I should be able to buy the first bag ( the medium hobo)..I am going to wait until the sale...Does anyone know if the outlet (I am going to NY for my birthday and think I am going to stop by Woodberry) also has the same semi-annual sale?