Help identify the red bag in header


Jan 19, 2006
I tried clicking on the header to find the bag in the handbags add titled "Arm Candy" but the red one isn't in the images provided and therefore is not credited.

Does anyone know what designer the red bag is by?
Every other bag pictured in the header is named when you click on it, but not the red for some reason!
Never fails..every time I log on, that header is when I really want to see it, it does not show up! Anyways, is this it?


if so, it's a Dolce & Gabbana
$895, D&G; (212) 965-8000
no, those two red ones are on the site when you click on the header.. but the one that's not on there is the one i was wondering about.

You're so right. I see it all the time, and when I want tos ee it, It's not there anymore
Haha! Diamondgirl thanks!! I've been reloading the page in hopes that it'd show up or something...

Yes, that is the red bag I'm talking about