Heather Mills:" I Need $20.000 A Day Just To Get By"

Can we all band together and give her a big reality check? Has she lost her mind?? Apparently she doesn't care what the general public thinks of her. It's so outrageous, it makes her look like a greedy moron.
My dad and I were discussing it and he thinks she should get 5% of what he's worth.

(But I think it should be broken up so she's not getting 20,000 a day, because that sounds crazy to me.)
From Wikipedia: "Alfie Karmal as well as her former finace Christ Terrill (dumped by Heather after she had met Paul McCartney and only a few days before Heather Mills and Christ Terrill were supposed to get married) and Heather's father Mark Mills have all branded Heather Mills as a compulsive liar."

Also, it seems kinda convenient that she dumped Terrill in the last minute for Paul. But hey, when you see the gravy train coming, you gotta hitch on!

If this is true then its proof that sadly she is nothing but a gold digger and Paul was a fool for falling for her. As for a pre-nup agreement I think I remember her saying in an interview before they were married or in the beginning of their marriage that she had offered to sign a pre-nup but Paul had declined. Further, in the UK I'm not sure if pre-nups are legally binding documents like in the USA.

Anyway, her demands of 20k per day are ludicrous. She deserves something as Paul's former wife particularly since they have a child, but she shouldn't be enriched because she married him. Also now that her ugly heart and mind are showing through she looks ugly too.
To people that say Sir Paul should have a pre-nup: Pre-nups aren't legal in the UK, unfortunately.

She is greedy, I hope she doesn't get her money. I mean I don't think Paul would want her and his daughter Beatrice to live in the poorhouse but c'mon $20 grand a DAY, who does she think she is?! She didn't even contribute that much to the marriage to ask for that. She is a greedy, lying, manipulative *****. I know that's harsh word for someone I don't know but I think she deserves it. People here in the UK just hate her.
I dont like her and I dont think she should recieve anywhere near that amount of money, but it's kind of Paul's own fault, he should have made her sign a pre-nup before they got married!