"Flying Under the Radar" great handbags...

jadejett, thanks for this thread, it's fun reading about new designers and not-so-new ones. Just came across Abro bags on the delfinoshop.com site. Has anyone seen or bought one of their bags?



Thanks, passerby. I did see that one. Adasa called it something else and they are charging $734 where Kate boutique was charging $612. With the discount, that gets it in the same ball park. Adasa also has the dimensions slightly different than Kate boutique. I was wondering if it the same bag but in two different sizes. :shrugs: But I really like it! I might call both of them and ask questions.
Crouner, the Abaco bags look beautiful. What colour are you interested in?

I like the chocolate shown at Kate boutique but I was thinking of a lighter brown color since I already have a dark chocolate bag. And I thought that the lighter brown (camel or tan) might work better for summer into fall. I would maybe consider black. Adasa and Kate boutique are the only places that I have found it so far.
Crouner, I think this Abaco bag is available in camel at Adasa:


$734 - 15% off with code GRECHEN15

JNH14, thanks for the link to kateboutique. Who is David Galan? His bags look ... wow ... see for yourself:



Good lord this is a gorgeous, simply drool-worthy bag! :wtf::drool::drool::wtf:

I didn't see it in the chocolate on the website though. Did a TPF'er snap it up? :graucho:

Arrgh. I can't access the website because it says I have to download something, which I can't do. Can anyone see a contact email for David Galan? I'd def. like to include him.
myindulgence, any pics of your wallet, please? Thanks. Kazuyo Nakano bags look classy. She started her line 10 years ago and doesn't seem as well known as she deserves to be.

There have been several threads with very good feedback about Aaneta bags, are you going to mention them, jadejett?


Aaneta is TDF!
Their website is horrible to navigate though.
I'm getting exasperated. :sad:
jadejett, thanks for this thread, it's fun reading about new designers and not-so-new ones.

Passerby. Thank YOU for contributing as you've really gone out of your way to include some really cool designers that I would never have known about. Also, thanks to everyone else who included their faves. This really IS a fun thread! :yahoo:
I like the chocolate shown at Kate boutique but I was thinking of a lighter brown color since I already have a dark chocolate bag. And I thought that the lighter brown (camel or tan) might work better for summer into fall. I would maybe consider black. Adasa and Kate boutique are the only places that I have found it so far.


has some Abaco bags :smile:

Jadejett, happy to help!!