fashion advisor in chanel. what do they do?


bag greed bug
Jun 4, 2006
i'm sorry if i post this in the wrong thread but the chanel is opening here soon and they have vacant in fashion advisor and boutique manager. i'm contemplating in fashion advisor :P

i think i wanna try to apply, but i have no experience except that i worked as a stylist.
I think its a fancy SA who gets to follow rich people around and tell them what to wear hahaha? I dont know but it sounds like a good position!!!!
i think i wanna try to apply, but i have no experience except that i worked as a stylist.[/quote]

GO FOR IT!!!!!!!! :yahoo:

l'm sending lots and lots of good vibes your way!
I'd be thinking the commission must be okay. I believe benefits such as retirement are good, as well. There would also be the ability to move into corporate Chanel in NY, if one is open to relocating.
thanks girls, i'll ask my house mate to make my CV LOL
believe it or not, i never formally applied for a job before in my life.
all this time, i'm freelancing and it's more to mouth to mouth promotion instead of formal application LOL