Embarrassing fall, but the Speedy is OK!


Oh no she di-int!!
Jun 1, 2006
Last night at the grocery store I was looking up at the aisle markers trying to find something. I already had a basket full of stuff in one hand and my speedy on the other arm...

All of a sudden - SPLAT! I went down in a heap, slipping on spilled melted ice cream :rant: . How embarrassing! The sad thing is, no one even came up to see if I was OK. :shrugs: I was in a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops and went smack down hard on one knee. I got up, turned aorund, and this man was just staring at me, so I announced in a rather loud voice, "Well, it's a little slippery over here!!" I hobbled over to a cashier to get her to clean it up and then went home to ice my knee.

Aside from a big bruise, I'm very happy to report the Speedy emerged unscathed :wlae: . And I'm glad it was me who slipped if anyone had to, rather than someone in high heels or an elderly person who could have really gotten hurt.
I hope your knee is ok, where were his manners! Similar thing happened to me last week, except that I literally tripped over my own toes in the middle of the street. As on instinct my left hand went up, the one carrying my speedy. I got helped up though, by a very sweet elderly gentleman.
Haha, that reminds me of when I fell down the stairs last week while holding my speedy! I ended up on my butt at the bottom of the stairs while speedy was still hooked onto my arm, having never touched the floor! :P
that reminds me of a time a had a fall while walking up a slight hill and my sister ran up to me and asked "IS YOUR BAG OK?" I was thinking "...well I"M FINE!"
That's horrible!!!:rant: It blows my mind how everyone is SO RUDE in this day and age!!! Honestly!!! Glad to hear that you are OK and that your bag is OK too.:smile:
Poor little Speedys keep getting abused.... On Friday I went to a new cafe in Chicago, as I was walking towards it I saw that the door was open, so I just walked right in.... Right into the screen door that I did not notice was there. The frame on the screen in the door got bent, but Speedy did not get injured... I did bang my nose a little.....

Fortunately, about 15 minutes later, another couple came and the lady walked into the screen as well. :P