Do you find it hard to wear colored LV bags??

actually they might be more versatile, cos they'd go with blues, reds, greens (in moderation, not too much large areas of strong colour)

and they'd work well as a note of colour in a neutral outfit: with browns, black, white/creams...

just step back when you've combined your outfit, and think about the balance of colour and how it works together...

hmmm. Good point
hmmm.....I don't mind looking tacky! haha okay, seriously though, I think very bright and colourful bags should stand out on there own and that they should take center stage (yes, block your beautiful face and let your bag shine!!! lol)..... so I would personally go for more neutral colours. I love black and white:biggrin: + *___any IN YOUR FACE coloured bag___* haha
It's not a problem. If you love the bag enough, you'll find ways to wear it. I have a red jasmin. Sometimes, I plan my outfit around the bag. (I know there are other PFers that do the same.) Though, I have to say, I do like pinks and am careful about not wearing the red bag with a pink blouse/sweater (cuz I don't like combining pink and red:yucky:).

I plan my outfit around the bag too! And I avoid wearing pink with my red jasmin too.

It depends on the color of the bag, but I find a red bag fairly easy to match with my outfit.
I don't find them hard to match at all. Otherwise I wouldn't have them in so many different colors lol.
I tend to plan my outfits around my bag anyway so it's not a big deal for me.