Denise Richards Thread

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (Reuters) - Two elderly bystanders got caught in the middle of a confrontation between Hollywood actress Denise Richards and paparazzi, and the matter is under investigation, Canadian police said on Thursday.
Richards, 35, got angry at photographers trying to take her picture on the set of the movie "Blonde and Blonder" at a casino near Vancouver on Wednesday, police and witnesses said.
"A verbal argument ensued and a short while later two laptops were thrown over the second floor landing," the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said in a statement.
The machines grazed the arms of an 80-year-old woman and a 91-year-old woman who were sitting the casino's lobby, but both received minor injuries, police said.
Witnesses told local media the computers belonged to the photographers and it was Richards who threw them.
Police said they were investigating the incident for possible illegal mischief, but they had not decided whether it warranted criminal charges.
Richards, whose divorce from actor Charlie Sheen has been tabloid fodder, is co-starring in the movie with Pamela Anderson, who has complained about the paparazzi's conduct around the movie set.
Richards has appeared in the movies "Wild Things," "Starship Trooper" and "Scary Movie 3."
I hate this b*tch. She makes it out like Charlie is a crazy person (which i can believe) but obviously she has a horendous temper as well. Seriously, who does that!! That's some kinda temper tantrum.
From a different report, it sounds like the photographers' laptops were sitting near the edge of a window and she pushed them off because she was upset that they were trying to take her picture ?

Sounds like an understandable thing to do... but not from a balcony, geez! She is so lucky she didn't seriously hurt someone.