DC Metro area meet - Tyson's Galleria on March 2


Nov 1, 2005
I saw the thread that was started last month, but it looks like the momentum has died down.

So, I am trying to revive it by throwing out a specific date, time, place. I'm happy to organize and annoy people into coming.

We had a tPF meet about two summers ago in Chevy Chase. Everyone that came was really lovely and we had a great time.

Tyson's Galleria
Sunday, March 2 at 11:30am (hopefully, this will curb some of the weekend rush)
Brunch at either Daily Grill, Lebanese Taverna, or Cheesecake Factory (I'll take a preference poll)
And shopping/oogling bags afterwards!!!

Please PM me by next Thursday if you are interested so that I can get a headcount.

I hope to see some of you soon! :flowers:
I'd love to join but I wouldn't be able to make it on March 2 as I have other obligations. Can we try for possibly another date? I've never been to Tysons as I don't have a car but I think I might be able to ride with another fellow TPFer.
Sure, I don't mind meeting up with everyone! Of course, I won't be shopping because I spent all my money in Charlotte, but I would be willing to encourage everyone else!