Countdown to Miroir Lockit..patient or not?


Beware the BIN Paw
Apr 25, 2007
We have about two weeks til the Miroir Lockits arrive. I'm on a temporary ban until then and I've been living vicariously through all of you and your exciting Amarante and Love 2 purchases.

Actually, I'm salivating here and waitlisting for a bunch of Fall and Cruise stuff. Being good really s*cks. Why isn't my last name *****? Or Bloomberg?

For those of you on the wait list, how are you holding up?
Not patient at all and although I told my store about the bag ( way back when we first found out like Nov or something) they didn't know it even exsisted I somehow ended up at number 4 for silver & 6 for Gold on the list I am :cursing: this bag has given me nothing but headaches

I have a plan B but at the minute things are not looking good & I refuse to 4 x retail on ebay for it If I don't get it
I'm SO not patient...I'm waiting for my SA to call me next week when it comes so I may have my "supervised visitation" with her, until I can legitimately bring her home on July 1st! lol.....

I think about it constantly, it's borderline obsessive!
Gayle if you get a visitation as it's your bag already you just can't take it home do you think they'll let you take pics??

That's a REALLY good idea....I know I probably can't take it home-home until the actual release date (I've tried, but I am going to ask them at the store if I could take some pics w/ my digi!!! That would completely rock, we'll see what they saY! Thanks for the idea Label, i hope it works, LOL!
Very impatient to see pics!
Not on the list, couldn't stand the hassle over here and it would've gone to a VIP no matter how early I listed.:cursing:
( my store will probably only get one.)
I am very IMPATIENT for its release!!! I can't wait!! I went to LV today just to make sure --- I will definitely get the Silver, but I am #3 or 4 on the list for the gold and now I really, really want the gold, too. :crybaby:
Allegedly, I am #1 for a silver one. What if it's all a lie and I don't get one? Could they be that cruel? I worry about this a lot lately.

Irishpandabear - LOL. I thought I was the only one who sniffed her new bags (and her new shoes). You think it's going to smell as good as a lambskin Rivete?

At least we'll all get a reprieve for the rest of July, til September. There aren't any bags scheduled for August, right?