Chanel Lambskin - how do I clean it/care for it?

I have a beatiful Black Jumbo Lambskin Classic Flap that is my baby, and every once in a while I just give mine a quick rub over with a non perfumed baby wipe, then just leave it to dry, it seems to do the trick perfectly. I swear by it! I also got a soft dry cloth with my Chanel when I purchased it and I often rub in down with that, it buffs it perfectly!
Hope this helps!
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There are different leather conditioners and cleaners available. Use those at your own discretion though, as I've read that some people have had problems with certain leather products. With lambskin, I would personally stay away from these products as it is such a delicate material.

If anything bad happens to your bag, there are places like that offer "spa" services for your bag. (I always endorse that website, but no, I don't get paid/am not a spammer). :yes:
I decided after much agonising and help from all you ladies, to return my medium caviar flap in black and exchange it for lambskin. I am going to be using the bag quite frequently and it will be my one and only chanel so i want it to last a long time. What does everyone recommend me to do to care for it as soon as I receive it? Do I need to spray it with water protector, what shall i stuff it with when not in use, etc etc? Thanks!
My most important tip with my lambskin (seriously) is keep your nails as short as possible, as its the scratching with nails that I find does the most damage.

When you are not using it, use the flap protector cloth to keep the flap from scratching, and it will be fine, you can pull the chain long on the inside of the bag so that when not in use it doesnt scratch the outer of the bag :smile:

I have not protected mine, as the leather is just so shiny and puffy that it doesnt need it yet, and I really think you are going to be fine! :smile:
I decided after much agonising and help from all you ladies, to return my medium caviar flap in black and exchange it for lambskin. I am going to be using the bag quite frequently and it will be my one and only chanel so i want it to last a long time. What does everyone recommend me to do to care for it as soon as I receive it? Do I need to spray it with water protector, what shall i stuff it with when not in use, etc etc? Thanks!

I would also occasionally use leather lotion to treat the lambskin. I also prefer the look of lamb to caviar so I just take extra care when using them and always store them in their protective sleepers. Good choice!
Great Choice! You may have to baby it more, but it's worth it. The lambskin is sooo soft! ITA to watch the chain when you store it so it doesn't leave an impression on the leather.
imgg, what kind of lotion do you use with your bag?
I'm gonna have my first lambskin bag soon. :heart:

Do you(or anyone else) use something like stain & water guard on the bag as well since lambskin is so water-non-resistant?
I owned a Chanel lambskin bag for about two years, and I found the lambskin to be more durable than some tPFers seem to think. Scratches easily rubbed out with the natural oils in my fingertip. (Chanels SAs show that trick all the time.) Also, the bag wasn't any more sensitive to rain than any other designer leather handbag. I carried an umbrella, and it was fine. (I wouldn't recommend putting lotions on it, personally.) And I was careful during storage to not let the chain rest on the bag.

Bottom line for me: Yes, you have to be a bit more careful with Chanel lambskin. But its well worth the trouble, because its just so sumptuous and gorgeous!
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It's a gorgeous leather. I've had troubles with the light colored lambskin. I store mine carefully, but when I used it, the corners are VERY delicate and it picks up stains (i.e from restaurant splatters) really easily. I haven't had too many problems with nail scratches though.
imgg, what kind of lotion do you use with your bag?
I'm gonna have my first lambskin bag soon. :heart:

Do you(or anyone else) use something like stain & water guard on the bag as well since lambskin is so water-non-resistant?

call Chanel and ask them which one they use. They put leather lotion on my black one when I first bought. I bought the lotion they suggested but I can't find it for the life of me. If I find it I will let you know! I love my lambskin flaps, but I think I may finally break down and buy my first caviar one in camel. I love my lambskin flaps though!:heart:
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